who we are

BRSG Consultations 1987-Present

Since its inception in 1997, the BRSG has been committed to creating dialogues that forge bonds of communication for partnership and innovation among Black peoples. Central to our vision is the conviction that dialogue and collaboration among scholarly, ecclesiastical, and community activist organizations is essential for cultivating transformative debates and promoting social justice. Each year the BRSG consultation promotes an open conversation held in collaboration with Black religious scholars, clergy, and community leaders and engage directly with the general public in our host city as a precursor to the American Academy of Religion / Society of Biblical Literature (AAR / SBL) annual meeting. By selecting Honorees and convening a “Council of Griots” whose work illuminates the specific theme of the annual consultation, the yearly gathering of the BRSG focuses on how Black religious leaders, scholars, and activists provide much needed insights and lessons for the community at large while also encouraging our communities and constituencies to recover the necessary resources from our past in order to rescue our present and redeem our future.


The Black Religious Scholar Group (BRSG) Scholar-in-Residence is a partnership with the Seminary of the Southwest (SSW) in Austin, Texas to support Black and other People of Color Theologians. The SSW and BRSG identifies, prepares, and supports a Black Religious Scholar to serve a one-year term as a Crump Visiting Professor and Black Religious Scholars Scholar-in-Residence. The visiting professor/Black Religious Scholar is commissioned to: 1). Help the Seminary as an institution engage and grow in the areas of diversity and multicultural hospitality, 2). Help seminarians prepare to engage cross-cultural contexts with curiosity and empathy, 3). Help seminarians prepare to engage in racial reconciliation as part of their professional vocations.

Speakers Bureau

As the only speakers bureau of this nature, the BRSG assists clients around the world in connecting renowned Black theologians, scholars, and religious leaders from various denominations, disciplines and demographics  with clients in virtually all sectors. The BRSG Speakers Bureau can help you find the perfect speaker for your next lecture or event that specializes in the significance of religion and race in America. The BRSG speakers bureau will both facilitate the process of searching, specialization, and booking the clients desired speaker  for various settings, organizations, events and/or conferences and conduct the speaker/clientele meeting, negotiate fees, and handle logistics of the event. 

BRSG Intellectual Estate Registry

While you may be aware of academic freedom and intellectual property, have you ever considered how you will insure that your legacy will honor your scholarship once you are no longer here? As with other estate assets, one’s intellectual property needs to be protected and preserved for posterity. Moreover, a scholar’s intellectual property and intellectual estate needs to properly reflect the academic freedom upon which you built your scholarly contributions. The BRSG Intellectual Living Will program is to serve as a protection for you and direction for others with clarity about your wishes for how your work is handled when you no longer can.